It’s been a while since I sent out an update, but wanted to take the time to do so to highlight some upcoming streams and give an update on my Gamin’ 4 Aven Extra Life campaign.
Tonight, at around 9pm CT/10pm ET, I plan to conclude my first ever play-through of the NES classic, The Legend of Zelda, taking on Death Mountain and Ganon live on Twitch. During this run, we’ve raised $622.73 for the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Oklahoma City, bringing my total to $4,627.37 for the entire campaign! My death tax for the game is currently over $100 and that donation will be made tonight once Ganon falls.
However, I don’t want to bury the lede in this post. One of my favorite games, The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening has been remade for the Switch and releases this Friday, September 20. Initially, I thought about doing this game during my marathon in December, but I simply can’t wait and want to keep this momentum going with this new release.
Also, after some tinkering around, I’ve slightly modified the donation incentives. As hilarious as it is for me to try and play blindfolded, it doesn’t really translate well when no one can tell me what’s going on. So, for the new $50 incentive, I will be wearing a pair of kaleidoscope glasses for 5 minutes, with a 1 minute bonus for every additional $10 over $50.

I won’t be receiving these bad boys until tomorrow, so for tonight’s stream I will find some way to obscure my vision that isn’t a blindfold for any such donation.
A quick recap of all donation incentives (which help me die in game to add $1 to the death tax):
- $5 – Oven mitts for 2 minutes
- $10 – Oven mitts for 5 minutes
- $25 – Play with inverted controller for 5 minutes
- $50 – Play with kaleidoscope glasses for 5 minutes (1 minute bonus for every extra $10 over $50)
If you take my death tax into account, we are under $300 from hitting the $5,000 milestone. This not only means a horrible drink, but also a guarantee that 100% of all funds raised goes to the Blake Shelton Cancer Research Fund.
To recap: we’re going to take out Ganon, start our quest to wake the Wind Fish, and help kick cancer’s ass by hitting that $5,000 milestone!